Why Naturopathy?
The seven core principles of naturopathic medicine are as follows, with " wellness and health promotion" emerging into the forefront of the scholarly discussion of naturopathic clinical theory:
The healing power of nature

Belief in the ability of the body to heal itself - if given the proper opportunity and the importance of living within the laws of nature is the foundation of naturopathic medicine. The body is believed to have an innate intelligence or process which is always striving towards health.
First do not harm

Naturopathic practitioners prefer non-invasive treatments that minimize the risks of harmful side effects. They are trained to use the lowest-force and lowest-risk preventive, therapeutic and co-management strategies. They are trained to know which patients they can safely treat and which one to refer to other health care practitioners.
Find the cause

Every illness has an underlying cause or causes, often in aspects of the lifestyle, diet, or habits of the individual. A naturopathic practitioner is trained to find and remove the underlying cause (s) of disease.
Treat the whole person (holistic medicine)

Health or disease comes from a complex interaction of mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, dietary, genetic, environmental, lifestyle and other factors. Naturopathic practitioners treat the whole person, taking all these factors into account. Emphasis is placed on the physical, emotional, social and spiritual integration of the whole person, including awareness of the impact of the environment on health.
Preventive medicine

The naturopathic approach to health care helps prevent disease and keeps minor illnesses from developing into more serious or chronic degenerative diseases. Patients are taught the principles for living a healthy life and by following them, they can prevent major illness. In the naturopathic model, death is inevitable; progressive disability is not.
Wellness and health promotion

Establishing and maintaining optimal health and balance is a central clinical goal. Wellness and health promotion go beyond prevention. This principle refers to a proactive state of being healthy, characterized by positive emotion, thought, intention and action.
Practitioner as a teacher
A main objective of naturopathic medicine is to educate the patient and emphasise self-responsibility for health. Naturopathic practitioners also recognize the therapeutic potential of their relationship with the clients.